• Can I see my dietitian face-to-face

    Kaitlin conducts consultations online, and also in person at the Newcastle Perinatal Place every Tuesday. The clinic is pram and wheelchair friendly and located at 1a Chapman St, Charlestown, NSW.

    Home visits are also available by appointment if you email info@littlebeginningsnutrition.com.au Practitioner travel fees apply.

  • Can I get a rebate?

    As you will be seeing a qualified Accredited Practising Dietitian, you may be eligible for a rebate through private health, DVA, NDIS or Medicare.

    Rebates from your private health insurance are at the rate set by your insurance company.

    Rebates from Medicare are approximately $56 per visit for up to 5 visits per year, depending upon how many visits your GP has allocated you. This referral form is called a Chronic Disease Management Plan (CDMP) or a Team Care Arrangement Plan (TCA). Please ensure you send us a copy of your CDMP or TCA referral via email prior to attending your consultation.

    Kaitlin is also an NDIS provider (self-managed and plan-managed).

  • Tell me more about the Omega 3-DHA testing available in the packages.

    These are encouraged for pregnancy planning and chronic health clients. They come for free as a part of the specified fertility, pregnancy, and postpartum packages, but can also be purchased at a cheaper rate through your dietitian.

    You can learn more about each specific Omegaquant home test on the companies website: Omegaquant. If you have not purchased a package but would like to have any of the Omegaquant tests done (i.e. Vit D, Omega or other) please let your dietitian know during your consult so that she can provide you with a discount.

  • What is the difference between a dietitian, nutritionist and naturopath?

    Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD) is the highest qualification you can get in nutrition. They are university-qualified nutrition professionals that have undergone 4-5 years of clinical nutrition training. They provide a range of evidence-based nutrition services, including individual dietary counseling, clinical/medical nutrition therapy (disease or condition-specific nutrition), group dietary education and food service management (food regulation and manufacturing). All dietitians are also nutritionists as they have done the same degree plus an extra year or more of further clinical training.

    There is no higher qualification in Australia in nutrition than an APD, and this title is regulated by law, similar to the title “Dr”. On the other-hand, there is no legal protection over the titles, “naturopath” and “nutritionist” which unfortunately leads to some practitioners providing advice with little or no training (i.e. trained by an unregulated organisation). Therefore it is vital to check your practitioner’s credentials to ensure you are getting research backed advice by a university qualified individual.

  • What does APD stand for ?

    APD stands for Accredited Practising Dietitian. All Accredited Practising Dietitians have undertaken 4 years of university training, 20 weeks of supervised placements, and complete 30 hours of professional development each year to stay up-to-date and maintain membership to the Dietitians Association of Australia. This is the highest qualification in nutrition.

  • What can I expect in a nutrition consultation?

    We usually undertake:

    • a review of your medical conditions,

    • a review of your biochemistry (blood tests) or results from scans

    • a review your medications and supplements,

    • a comprehensive dietary assessment,

    • an assessment of your lifestyle

    • an assessment of your goals, and your individually-tailored nutrition program plan

    When filling out your intake form please list all of your medications, nutritional supplements and herbal remedies as they will influence your final nutrition plan. If you have any recent blood tests (taken within the last 12 months) please email these to littlebeginningsnutrition@gmail.com before your consult. If you wish we can also send all of your Doctors a copy of your progress report/s so that they stay in the loop with your treatment plans.

  • What is our cancellation policy?

    We understand life gets busy, unforeseen circumstances pop up, or you may just want to push back an appointment because you are doing so well (fantastic!). We appreciate as much notice as you can provide us, so we can make this spot available to the next person waiting for assistance.

    Failure to attend an arranged appointment is unfair to other patients and your practitioner’s time, so please provide 24 hours notice if you are unable to make a scheduled appointment. Cancellation or reschedule requests made within 24 hours notice or less, including no-shows, will incur 100% of your scheduled consultation fee being charged.

    If you need to reschedule or cancel, you can click into your appointment confirmation email and select “Change/Cancel Appointment” and you can find another date/time that works for your schedule. Alternatively, you can contact us via email at info@littlebeginningsnutrition.com.au or text message 0498 950 101 between Monday-Saturday 8am-5pm (TEXT is preferred as we are usually in back-to-back consultations and would miss an unscheduled call).