You know you have to avoid listeria, mercury, trans fat and toxins whilst still optimising iron, DHA, fibre, choline and folate…

Confused about what to actually eat? Let us help you.

You want to give them the best start!

Your child’s epigenetics are being determined in their first 1000 days of life. This is what switches their genes on or off, and influences the development of their brain, immune system, and lifetime health. The first 1000-day period starts the month prior to the beginning of your pregnancy until your child’s second birthday. If you are excited about your pregnancy, it’s never too soon to optimise your diet and lifestyle to give them the best start in life!

Did you know:

  • Children of mothers that had twice the recommended amount of choline in pregnancy had significantly better attention spans and brain development. 

  • Too much and too little folic acid during pregnancy is associated with increased risks of autism. 

  • During the first trimester, the fetus depends solely on the mother’s supply of thyroid hormone for their brain and nervous system development. If the mother is not eating enough iodine her thyroid levels may be dangerously low for baby.

  • Iron levels that are out-of-range during pregnancy can increase risk of gestational diabetes. 

  • A mum’s gut health influences the function of the placenta via the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal HPA axis. Too much or too little of certain gut bacteria can lead to increased risk of mental illness, and impaired brain development.

In recent years research has uncovered that what we eat during pregnancy greatly impacts:

  • The risk of gestational diabetes, and pre-eclampsia

  • High, or low birth weight

  • Excess weight gain

  • Children's IQ, attention span, and problem solving skills in later life

  • Children’s future mental health, and immune system

  • Children’s risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes or obesity later in life

 Get a feel-good pregnancy

During your appointment, we will learn all about you, your medical history and lab-work. We will then explain how your nutrient needs change each trimester, and which foods and supplements will reduce risk of nausea, pregnancy related diseases, and adverse outcomes for mum and baby. We will teach you to be the expert on feeding yourself so that you can create a nourishing and healthy environment for you, your baby, their development and their arrival into our world. 

What about prenatal supplements?

You will be given access to practitioner only, highly bioavailable supplements tailored to your unique medical history, gut health, genetics, nutritional status, dietary analysis, blood results, and lifestyle factors.

Start the momentum and connect with Little Beginnings, today.