We’ll take away the confusion and worry

You’ll become the expert on feeding your child!

Nutritionist Kaitlin Mooney listens closely to each family’s unique goals and needs. Then, with her 10 years of experience, sets realistic and practical steps to follow. Kaitlin believes every family deserves the peace of mind that comes with seeing their child thrive by fueling their body with food they enjoy.

We can help you with… 

  • Starting solids

  • Food intolerance & allergies - for example: milk protein allergy, coeliac (GF), egg, soy, nut

  • Colic/reflux

  • Fussy Eating/ Picky Eating

  • Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (SOS-trained practitioner)

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and the Low FODMAP Diet

  • Diabetes -Type 1 & 2

  • Iron deficiency

  • Constipation

  • Underweight/ Failure to Thrive

  • Enhancing immunity

“My baby has wind, pain, and colic, which is effecting their sleep- how can you help? Kaitlin has expert experience working with babies with reflux and gut issues. In fact her little one had Colic too- and understands how helpless you can feel when none of the general strategies work. With over 10 years of experience she has seen it all, and will investigate the root cause/s of your child’s symptoms so that you can finally achieve a plan that gives them relief from pain, vomiting, and reflux.

“My toddler won’t try new foods, and only likes white vegies- I wish they would eat more”. Imagine how stress-free you would feel if there were fewer mealtime battles. With Kaitlin’s help and guidance you will be given a tailored plan that’s backed by research to improve picky eating. She will be there every step of the way to tweak the strategies to suit your child’s unique needs.

“My child absolutely LOVES food…. they often eat a portion as big as mine! and I’m worried they are getting too much!” Kaitlin helps parents teach their kids (and themselves) to be mindful eaters who capably self-regulate their intake, listen to their hunger-levels, appropriately fuel their bodies, and maintain a healthy weight.

“My child keeps getting sick, it’s been back-to-back, and we’re exhausted” As a mum, I get it. I’ve been there before and dreaded making yet another call to work telling them I couldn’t make it in. Although you can’t completely eradicate kindy/school bugs from entering your household you can minimise them significantly! I will let you know which foods, nutrients, and supplements are going to build your child’s immunity and reduce those pesky sick days.

“My little one always has tummy pain and rarely has a normal poo”. At Little Beginnings we like happy tummies and to achieve that we test- not guess. We use a gold-standard stool test by Co-Biome which analyses exactly what is going on in their little tummy, and which strains of bacteria are out of balance. This allows us to select specific probiotic strains that will be beneficial, and create a tailored nutritional plan to optimise their gut health.

Bring back a sense of calm

  • Your 1:1 Consultation

    Kaitlin will take a detailed history to better understand your child’s needs, usual diet, challenges, medical conditions, and more. She will provide you with a clear care plan to achieve your families desired goals. This may include slight adjustments to your usual family routine and meals, recipes, meal plans, supplements, guidance on equipment (i.e. utensils, and highchairs), or any other support you may need. Consultations can be provided face-to-face in the Charlestown clinic, or via telehealth or online video consultations. If your child is unable to make it to the consultation that is okay- all we need is their weight, height, food diary and any other useful medical information (such as blood results).

  • Your unique nutrition plan

    At the end of the consultation, Kaitlin will email through a summary of the session with key strategies for your family, together with any other useful information she feels will help you. She can also formulate meal plans, or a tailored collection of recipes that feed the whole family so that you save time, and aren’t cooking separate meals for different family members.

  • Aftercare and follow-up

    We may request further investigations and pathology tests - such as general pathology, or where necessary microbiome or allergy testing. Follow-up appointments will be scheduled based on your families unique needs and goals. These sessions will provide a great opportunity to discuss what is working, and what is not- so we can tweak your plan until we get the right fit.

Start the momentum and connect with Little Beginnings, today.