Lunchbox Cheat Sheet

Healthy Lunchbox Recipes

Find free healthy lunchbox recipes here!

Need more lunchbox ideas?

Find HUNDREDS of healthy lunchbox recipes and ideas!

Sandwich Filler Ideas

Lots of easy ingredients to keep things easy!

Lunchbox Examples

Sometimes taking a step back and looking at the bigger picture helps. Have a look at lots of different healthy lunchbox examples here.

The problem with sending packets to school is they are so DIFFICULT to open! Try this hack!

Still feeling lost?

Are your child’s feeding habits challenging?

Are they getting gut symptoms? Do they have feeding difficulties?

Let us help!

  • Intolerances/ Allergies / Gut health

    Do you suspect your child has an intolerance or allergy? Let us get to the bottom of this for you. Once we do discover the cause of their symptoms, we can also show you how to meet their nutritional needs with other food!

  • Enha

    Sick all the time?

    It is normal to get sick, however, if you feel it is happening a little too often let us investigate the underlying cause; nutrient deficiency, gut microbiome dysbiosis, exposure to heavy metals or mould, an undiagnosed allergies or genetic mutation which reduces absorption of key micronutrients.

  • Fussy Eating

    Fussy eating is caused by multiple factors. This is why a one-size fits all approach rarely works. If you feel like you have tried everything, and mealtimes keep getting harder it’s time to get some support!