The path to your best self!

We provide unique and practical guidance so that you can enjoy food without the stress, and live your healthiest, happiest life.

We can help you with… 

  • PCOS

  • Endometriosis

  • Food allergy or intolerance

  • Coeliac Disease/ Gluten free

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and the Low FODMAP Diet

  • Type 1, and Type 2 diabetes

  • Carbohydrate intolerances/malabsorption (lactose/fructose/sucrose)

  • Iron deficiency

  • Constipation

  • Healthy weight

  • Heart health

  • Understanding food cravings and emotional eating

Has nothing you have tried worked so far? Are you feeling frustrated?

Google, social media, and influencers occasionally provide useful tips and general helpful information. However, they are not nuanced, and unable to provide a unique program to your specific needs, medical history, gut health, blood results, and more. Help us understand your goals and lifestyle so that we can offer you research-backed advice, from a qualified practitioner that cares!

You may have...

  • Tried countless diets but are still confused around what to eat to manage your unique health and medical conditions.

  • Lack the motivation to get started or maintain diet and lifestyle changes.

  • Have been told by your Doctor that your blood levels were within normal range but you don’t feel normal, and you’re not getting the results you desire.

  • Relied on medication to manage your cholesterol or sugar levels but are interested in learning how you could reverse disease, and further optimise your biomarkers with more natural therapies like diet, exercise, and vitamins/minerals/herbal remedies.

With our guidance you can expect to...

  1. Increase your knowledge around portion sizes, label reading, and often overlooked ingredients that impact health in a big way!

  2. Reduce food cravings, and feel comfortably full after snacks, and meals.

  3. Stop emotional/stress/boredom eating. 

  4. Reduce your food obsession and free up the mental space to address other areas of your life.

  5. Turn on your body intuition and learn to reconnect to your physical body, listen to its signals and identify what foods work for you and what foods are hindering your progress and respond accordingly.

  6. Get access to plenty of healthy recipes and meal plans so you won’t be stuck for good food ideas again.

  7. Shift your mindset and focus away from feeling deprived and towards fueling your body with nourishing foods.

  8. Increase your energy levels - no more highs and lows, just consistent energy throughout the day.

  9. Live a longer, happier, healthier life by taking responsibility for your own actions.

  10. You'll be more confident, have better self-esteem and reap the far-reaching benefits this can have on every area of your life.

  11. Gain a second pair of trained eyes when looking at your blood results. Lab ranges are very wide and do not reflect the latest research. We can let you know how your vitamin D, iron, thyroid, hormones and other biomarkers stack up against the optimal levels specified in the literature, and how we can optimise them further.

  12. Have an established plan that will ensure you withstand unpredictable events, and times of stress.